The Mysteries of Harris Burdick* by Chris VanAllsburgISBN: 0395353939
Houghton Mifflin, 1984
31 pages
Reading Level: 3.5
Mystery and Detective Stories, Plot-Your-Own Stories
Contains titles and captions with no other text
Harris Burdick had written 14 stories and had drawn many pictures to accompany each story. When he went to see Mr. Wenders, a children's book publisher employee, he had taken just one picture per story with him. Mr. Wenders asked that Harris return with the stories, and Harris agreed. However, he never returned, and all Mr. Wenders had was 14 titles, captions, and pictures. Harris's disappearance remains a mystery, and now published as Harris left them with Mr. Wenders, the titles, captions, and single pictures comprise The Mysteries of Harris Burdick book which leaves readers to use their imaginations to produce stories/text for each piece.