Research and finding resources for you & your students

Library and Database Resources

UW-Madison:Teaching Students Online Research

UW-Madison Library: Learn to Find, Access and Manage Information

UW-Madison Subject Liasions

EDUCAUSE: Net Generation and Libraries

Education Information Resource Center - ERIC

American Memory Index - from the Library of Congress

Project Gutenberg - free electronic books from multiple era and genres

E-Encyclopedia - DK Online Encyclopedia, Dorling Kindersley, creators of Eyewitness books and videos. This site has free use images, search tips, internet safety and site evaluation information.

Web-based Resources - Lessons & Support

Recommended Webquests and Thinkquests for History and Social Studies Teachers - from Teaching History With Technology: an resource. Supplies an evaluation process and resources to find activities for your class.

Textbook Companion Sites - also from Teaching History With Technology: an resource. These companion websites can guide, support and inspire teachers in the classroom.

Thinkfinity - free educational resources

Discovery Education - Lesson Plan Library Grades 9-12

Edsitement - The Best of the Humanities on the Web

Research Process

Teacher's Advice and Models

The following is a collection of teacher advice and various projects they have undertaken.

Using Technology as a Learning Tool, Not Just the Cool New Thing: Teaching Net Gen

AQuick History and Some Gentle Guidelines for a Teacher-as-Researcher Project

Six Steps for Planning a Successful Project - from Edutopia

Ten Takeaway Tips for Project-based Learning - from Edutopia

Clif Mims - teacher, researcher, author, speaker and educational consultant. Mr. Mims specializes in effective integration of technology with teaching and learning.

Anne Vaden Report to the Department of Education on the John Rolfe Museum and Historical Research Center