Rationing Gas

Gasoline Rationing

Ration stamps for gasoline were issued by local boards and pasted to the windshield of a family or individual’s automobile. The type of stamp determined the gasoline allotment for that automobile. Black stamps, for example, signified non-essential travel and mandated no more than three gallons per week, while red stamps were for workers who needed more gas, including policemen and mail carriers. As a result of the restrictions, gasoline became a hot commodity on the black market, while legal measures of conserving gas–such as carpooling–also flourished. In a separate attempt to reduce gas consumption, the government passed a mandatory wartime speed limit of 35 mph, known as the “Victory Speed.”

Gas Rationing Article

Gas Rationing Posters

Take the Gas Rationing Challenge!!!

The cost of Gas in 1942 was 20 cents per gallon. 

Rationing for A class drivers was three gallons per week. 

If you were an A class driver in 1945, how far could you travel on three gallons of gas? 

Gas Rationing Propaganda

Gas Rationing Exercise

In 1942, gas rationing became one's patriotic duty to the war. 

In 2008, the gas prices skyrocketed across the United States. 

How would the US benefit from a form of rationing today? Is this a good or bad idea?