
Desert Wildlife

Did you know?

*Many desert animals are crepuscular, which means they are only active at dawn and dusk, or nocturnal, which means they only come out at night.  

*Some desert animals burrow underneath the sand or soil to escape the high temperatures on the surface.

*Many animals get water from cacti and the food they eat. The kangaroo rat never has to drink liquid water!

*Most desert animals have skinny bodies with long limbs. This helps them shed heat.

*Desert animals have long eyelashes or deep-set eyes to reduce bright sunlight, but also to prevent water evaporation from their eyes.

Desert Wildlife

In the desert biome, all wildlife is referred to as fauna. There are many different animals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects and spiders that call the desert home. The type of creature found in each desert varies depending on the desert's location. However, the most common critters found in every desert around the world are rabbits and lizards.

Wildlife Video

Desert Wildlife
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