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This is a LibGuide about the Great Depression to be used by 5th grade teachers.


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Facts and Information

The Great Depression was a time of severe economic depression in the United States and around the world.

Click the following links to find more information.

What was it?

Great Depression Facts

About the Great Depression


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Click on the links below for more information.


How long did it last?


"The Great Depression did not affect everyone the same way. Many rich people felt no impact at all, and were oblivious to the suffering of others. Up to forty percent of the country never faced real hardship during those 
Bread Line
Washington, DC, October 1930

years. But most were touched by it in some way. By the time of Franklin Roosevelt's inauguration in 1933, the unemployment rate hovered close to twenty-five percent. Fluctuating during the 1930s, it never fell below 14.3% until 1941."

Read more here:


"Many people lost all the money they had."

Read more here: 



"In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President based on his promises to create Federal Government programs to end the Great Depression. Within 100 days the New Deal was signed into law." Read more here: How did it end?

For more information click here: The New Deal




What Do I Do?

Click on the tabs above to research The Great Depression. Scroll down on each page to find additional information. 

  1. Home: Overview video, Facts and Information, Additional Sources about The Great Depression
  2. Books: A list of Fiction and Nonfiction books about The Great Depression
  3. Photos: Pictures from The Great Depression
  4. Videos: Educational videos about The Great Depression

Click on each tab to gain access to further research information and tips. Good luck!

Library Media Specialist


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