4th Grade U.S. Regions: Home

Resources and information for teaching and studying U.S. Regions


The resources are assembled for fourth grade teachers and students to aid in the study of the United States regions. Items found on the Regions of the United States pages are useful for the entire U.S. study and may be referenced prior to, during, and following individual region lessons. To navigate through the pages click on the upper tabs. Return to the home page to access my contact information and poll questions. I would appreciate hearing from you with any suggestions or comments and with poll responses. Enjoy your study of the Regions of the United States!

Creator of this Lib Guide

Profile Photo
Danna Peterson
201 W. 6th St,
Friendship, WI 53934

Home Region

Which region do you live in?
Northeast: 645 votes (24.41%)
Southeast: 864 votes (32.7%)
Midwest: 532 votes (20.14%)
Southwest: 256 votes (9.69%)
West: 233 votes (8.82%)
Not in the U.S.: 112 votes (4.24%)
Total Votes: 2642

Regions Visited Poll

Have you ever visited the Northeast Region?
yes: 682 votes (48.64%)
no: 720 votes (51.36%)
Total Votes: 1402
Have you ever visited the Southeast Region?
yes: 834 votes (64.65%)
no: 456 votes (35.35%)
Total Votes: 1290
Have you ever visited the Midwest Region?
yes: 507 votes (41.12%)
no: 726 votes (58.88%)
Total Votes: 1233
Have you ever visited the Southwest Region?
yes: 514 votes (43.12%)
no: 678 votes (56.88%)
Total Votes: 1192
Have you ever visited the West Region?
yes: 423 votes (36.5%)
no: 736 votes (63.5%)
Total Votes: 1159

Favorite Region Poll

What is your favorite region?
Northeast: 791 votes (30.91%)
Southeast: 475 votes (18.56%)
Midwest: 665 votes (25.99%)
Southwest: 268 votes (10.47%)
West: 360 votes (14.07%)
Total Votes: 2559