
Everyone's Job

It should be everyone's goal to assist the team in whatever way you can.  Use your strengths, even if it is not in your job description.  Be sure to contribute to every discussion and be an active and helpful member of your group.  Remember, you will be assessed by your peers- Make sure that they have only good things to say about your role in your group!



The Facilitator is the person who keeps the discussion moving and keeps your group on task.  Encourage your group and make sure the other members are doing their jobs.  Be kind and patient, but firm.  Record your daily progress on your group's Google Doc.


The Recorder will be the person who takes notes every time the group meets.  Be proficient in multiple ways of notetaking, including Google Docs and Concept Mapping.  They will organize group notes according to question and cite your resources.  Everyday, you takes minutes and record research discoveries (with citations) on your Google Doc. 


The Checker will make sure your group is meeting Checkpoint deadlines (See Process Page).  They will also assist the Recorder in citing information.  They will create the bibliography and double check facts that seem suspicious.  Record your daily progress on your group's Google Doc.


The Editor will lead their team when it come to the Final Project.  They will be the experts in the chosen tool and make sure it will appeal to the audience by researching and leading discussions on audience need and preferences.  Record your daily progress on your group's Google Doc.