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Emerson Elementary School Math Resource Guide: Probability and Data Analysis

A guide to resources for teaching math skills to students in grades K - 5 in the Madison (WI) Metropolitan School District

Web Links

Data Analysis and Probability in Literature

A Very Improbable Story: a Math Adventure

No Fair!

Tiger Math: Learning to Graph from a Baby Tiger

The Great Graph Contest

Data Analysis and Probability

To reason statistically--which is essential to be an informed citizen, employee, and consumer--students need to learn about data analysis and related aspects of probability. 

The amount of statistical information available to help make decisions in business, politics, research, and everyday life is staggering. Consumer surveys guide the development and marketing of products. Experiments evaluate the safety and efficacy of new medical treatments. Statistics sway public opinion on issues and represent--or misrepresent--the quality and effectiveness of commercial products. Through experiences with the collection and analysis of data, students learn how to interpret such information. (from the NCTM standards,

Graphing Halloween candy

Bill Nye, the … MATH Guy?