Types of Literature



"In children's literature, biography often bridges the gap between historical fiction and non fiction books.  A life stor might read like fiction, but, like other types of nonfiction, it will center on facts and events that can be documented.(Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature, Kiefer, Barbara Z.,  p.534)

Biographies can be broken down into two main groups:  Authentic biography, which is well documented and carefully researched, only proven facts are included in this type of biography and fictional biography.  Fictional biographies will dramatize certain events and make the subject matter seem more personal.  Its important that teachers point out the differences between the book types and that students understand that while fictional biographies may be more enjoyable to read they may not be as accurate.

Historical Fiction

Historical novels for children help a child to experience the past - to enter into the conflicts, the suffering, the joys and the despair of those who lived before us. (Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature, Kiefer, Barbara Z.,  p.452)

Although historical fiction isn't as popular as some of the other genres, it does play a vital role in the educating of children and are a great way to teach children about history in a way that is enjoyable and that the students will be more likely to remember. 

Historical fiction books may take on a variety of forms, here are some examples:  The most obvious type is where an author tells a fictional story around actual events and people of the past.  Other historical books have characters leading fictional lives with little or no reference to historical events, instead they focus on facts of social history such as what they ate, or wore.  Other authors may choose to use a historical setting  and then create a wonderful story that takes place in that setting.  In another type of historical fiction the author recreates his/her own personal experiences from when they were young.   The Little House on the Prairie books are a good example of this.  Whatever type of historical fiction you read, it is bound to make a much longer lasting impression on students than a text book would!

Picture Books

Illustration: Amanda Upton

"In the best picture books, the illustrations are as much a part of our experience with the book as the written text (if there is one).... The pictures help tell the story, showing the action and expressions of the characters, the changing settings, and the development of the plot.

Picture books play a vital roll in getting kids to read.  At a young age children are very visual, a good picture book can help capture their attention, allowing them to go on many wonderful journeys without every having to leave the room.

The success of a picture book is dependant on the illustrations used in the book.  The choice of medium and the use of the elements and principles of design can often times by used by the illustrator to help express the emotions felt in the story.  Without out those emotions, much of the story may be lost.  The artistic conventions or style can also be used to tell alot about the story, and help to keep the readers interest, for example graphic novels are becoming more and more popular with our older youth.  Set in a comic style layout, these books are less intimidating and more readable to some students.  Instead of the story being souly dependant on words, images are added to keep the interest of the reader.

Contemporary Realistic Fiction

"Realistic fiction may be defined as imaginative writing that accurately reflects life as it was lived in the past or could be lived today.  Everything in such a story can conceivably happen to real people living in our natural physical world..." (Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature, Kiefer, Barbara Z.,  p.390)

Realistic fiction books help children gain an understanding of themselves and the people and relationships around them. "Realistic fiction helps children enlarge their frames of reference while seeing the world from another persons perspective." (Kiefer p.390)  Realistic fiction can help students deal with some of the following issues:  friendship, peer pressure, family changes, living with disabilities, physical and psychological changes, coping with school, and fears.  If students can make a connection with someone, even if its through a book, it can make their lives a little easier to live.

Modern Fantasy



"Fantasy helps the child develop imagination.  To be able to imagine, to conceive of alternative ways of life, to entertain new ideas, to create strange new worlds, to dream dreams - these are all skills vital to human survival." ( Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature, Kiefer, Barbara Z.,  p.286)

I think the above quote is my favorite in the entire children's literature book... to dream dreams, create strange new worlds, what an amazing journey to go on!  Some may argue that they want children reading books that are relevant to them - teach them life's lessons or about the events of the past.  Fantasy can teach lessons too  "Fantasy touches our deepest feelings and in so doing, it speaks to the best and most hopeful parts of ourselves.  It can help us learn the most fundamental skill of all-- how to be human" (Fantasy and the Human Condition," Lloyd Alexander, p.83)

Some of the elements of Modern fantasy include: animals, toys and dolls, magical powers,eccentric characters and plots, extraordinary worlds, suspense and supernatural, time-shift fantasy, high fantasy and imaginary realms.

Traditional Literature

"Traditional literature can provide a window on cultural beliefs and on the spiritual and psychological qualities that are part of our human nature.  These stories also form the basis for many works of more modern literature, drama and other art forms.  It is important to help children become familuar with the rich heritage of stories that have come dow to us from cultures around the world." (Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature, Kiefer, Barbara Z.,  p.225)

Traditional literature is a genre that deals specifically with stories that were passed down through oral storytelling from generation to generation.  Traditional literature consists of songs, stories, poems and riddles from anonymous sources.  There are many different types of traditional literature, they include, but are not limited to:  Fairy tales, folk tales, trickster tales, beast tales, myths, fables, pourquoi tales, talking animail stories and tall tales.