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Does NASA have it's own Language? You Bet - Acronyms!

See the entire list at: 
NASA Acronym List

Wow - This is just the letter A! [A]

AAFE    Aeroassist Flight Experiment
ABCL    As Built Configuration List
ABHRS	As Built Hardware Reporting System
AC	Alternating Current
AC	Comptroller Office
ACES	Acoustic Containerless Experiment System
ACIP	Assembly Configuration and Integration Panel
ACR	Active Cavity Radiometer
ACRIM	Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor
ACRBC	Acceptance, Checkout, Retest, and Backout Criteria
ACRC	Assured Crew Return Capability - Now ACRV
ACRV	Assured Crew Return Vehicle
ACTS	(TOS) Advanced Communications Technology Satellite
AD	Aperture Door
ADC	Affiliated Data Center
ADEOS	Advanced Earth Observing Mission
ADP	Acceptance Data Package
ADP	Automated Data Processing
ADPS	Acceptance Data Package System
ADSF	Advanced Directional Solidification Furnace
AEG	AEG Telefunken
AEPI	Atmospheric Emissions Photo Imaging
AES	Atmospheric Exchange System
AESE	Airborne Electrical Support Equipment
AFB	Air Force Base
AFD	Aft Flight Deck
AFE	American Flight Echocardiograph
AFP	Air Force Program
AFR	Air Force Regulation
AFSCF	Air Force Satellite Control Facility
AFTE	Autogenic Feedback Training Experiment
AFTA	Aft Frame Tilt Actuator
AGOSS	Automated Ground Operations Scheduling System
AHU	Air Handling Unit
AI	Artificial Intelligence
AIRS	Atmospheric Infrared Sounder
AIT	Aeritalia
A/L	Air Lock
ALAE	Atmospheric Lyman Alpha Experiment
ALC	Augmented Landing Site
ALERT	Acute Launch Emergency Reliability Tip
ALRUTS	Automated Line Replaceable Unit Tracking System
ALS	Advanced Launch System
ALT	Altimeter
AMF	Astronaut Memorial Foundation
AMSU	Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit
ANSI	American National Standard Institute
AO	Assembly Order
AOA	Abort Once Around
APC	Adaptive Payload Carrier
APCS	Automated Project Control System - ARTEMIS
APID	Applications Process Identification
APS	Acquisition Processor Subsystem
ARC	Ames Research Center
ARC	Aggregation of Red Cells
ARS	Archive and Retrieval Subsystem (PPCU)
ARTEMIS	Project Management Software System - Metier Product
ARTS	Automated Resource Tracking System - ARTEMIS
ASCII	American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASE	Airborne Support Equipment
ASP	Attitude Sensor Package
ASRS	Automated Support Requirements System
ASSY	Assembly
AST	Astro Star Tracker
ASTER	Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer
ASTG	Aerospace Test Group
ATC	Absolute Time Command
ATCS	Active Thermal Control System
ATE	Automated Test Equipment
ATLAS	Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science
ATMOS	Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy
ATP	Accelerated Training Program
ATP	Acceptace Test Procedure
AWAD	Assembly Work Authorization Document

See the entire list at: 
NASA Acronym List