
Video Conference

Skype is a great tool for students and staff.  With in the classroom teachers can use this to "bring in" experts on a topic, communicate and share information with classrooms around the world or just across town, or have an authentic audience for their work, presentation or performances.  How will you use skype?



Gaggle offers free or paid versions of secure email for schools with options for chat, filtered you tube and use restrictions. Translation tool available with free accounts!


ePals is a paid service that allows schools to connect in a protected, project based learning environment.


Translation Tools

Translation tool for use with up to 150 words at a time.

Babel Fish

Say what?

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

George Bernard Shaw


Wikis - a place to collaborate

Wikispaces offers free and paid versions with different tools and settings.



PBworks offers free and paid versions with different amounts of space and capabilities.


Sharing or keeping your thoughts...


Designed for teachers to create free individual student blogs while maintaining control over the blogs.


Free and paid versions to write your own private journals and diaries online.