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Databases and Indexes

Badgerlink:  Full-text articles from general (including some legal) journals and newspapers.

Hein Online:  Full-text legal periodicals, historical texts, foreign & international materials, and primary legal materials in PDF, including the Federal Register, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Reports & attorney general opinions, state session laws, and more.

JSTOR Arts & Sciences I,II, III Collection:  JSTOR is an electronic journal archival project which provides full-text access to complete runs of back issues of over 550 scholarly journal titles in the following disciplines: Anthropology, Asian Studies, Business, Ecology, Economics, Education, Finance, History, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Population Studies, and Sociology.

LexisNexis Academic:  Legal, news, reference, and business sources. Legal tab contains United States federal and state case law, codes, and regulations, as well as law reviews and legal news. Also includes foreign and international primary sources.

Westlaw:  Extensive collection of full-text legal, news, reference, and business sources. Contains primary legal resources (cases, statutes, regulations, etc.) and secondary materials (journal articles, worldwide news, business sources, etc.).

WorldCat Library Catalog:  Catalog of millions of books, journals, and other materials owned by libraries around the world, including UW-Madison and the Library of Congress.

Legal Research


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