Lesson Plans

US EPA and other Government links

These websites include lesson plans on several environmental subjects, including rivers and waterways.  They also include links to many other resources that may prove useful.

Thinkfinity Resources

Thinkfinity has lots of resources available.  The link here directs you to water pollution lesson plans for grades 3-8, but feel free to search other terms.

Google Custom Search


Class project

Water Conservation. Perf. Lake Jackson Intermediate School. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 10 Dec. 2010. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqqcLAU364E>.

UW-Madison Water Resources Institute

This site provides links to many resources, including lesson plans and toolkits for teachers.

Penn State School of Forest Resources

This site provides lesson plans on environmental issues for all grade levels created by Penn State.

General Reference Resources