
Website Evaluation

Use these resources to help with your research process.

Website Evaluation Checklist - Checklist to make sure you are using quality sources. Bibliography Generator Bibliography Generator

Recommended Search Engines

Use the recommended search engines below to continue your research on Health Problems in American.

[ BadgerLink logo ]

American Health Resources

Use the resources below to gain background knowledge of health problems in the United States.  After viewing the websites, continue your own research, and collaborate with your group to decide what health problem your group wants to focus on, and what your proposal for a solution to the problem will be.  

* Tips:  

  • While researching and brainstorming with your group, make sure you consider who your audience will be and what is the most effective way to pursuade your audience.
  • While you research, decide on your problem and audience, and gather information, you will also want to consider different perspectives on the topic you chose.  Who are you trying to persuade on the topic?  How would they argue against your proposal? 
  • Consider the question: "What are the best solutions to prevent this health problem in the United States?"

Resources: Health Problems in America

Presentation Tools

Your group will need to decide on how to present your end product to a selected audience.  Below are some examples of tools you can use to present your proposal.  Make sure you select a tool that helps you effectively communicate your proposal and make sure it is relevant for your audience.

For example: Can you reach your audience best by writing a letter, creating a public service announcement, commercial, poster, presentation, etc.




Prezi is an innovative tool which goes beyond standard PowerPoint presentations. This lets you create webbed presentations which are non-linear. Prezi presentations can include pictures, videos, hyperlinks, and more. These are FREE for teachers and students. 

Visit the 
learning center full of quick tutorials to get you up and started, step-by-step and tips for layering and grouping.  This is a great tool that allows for group members or multiple people to collaborate on the presentation at the same time.  



Glogster EDU is an ad-FREE site for educators and their classrooms. It is an online place which provides multi-sensory environments for learners to interact and showcase learning in unique ways. This site has been voted the #1 site for media sharing by the AASL (American Association of School Librarians). This is like poster boards on steroids. Students can create book reviews, digital posters, topic explorations, use video, graphics, and text. Primary student users will need help with the number of elements. There is a nice tutorial about Glogster on Slideshare (another of the web 2.0 presenation tools).

To get started you might want to watch 
Glogster in 90 seconds (YouTube). OrGlogster for Education



 Create slideshows set to music with Animoto. Animoto offers a free version for educators so that your students can put pictures and text together. Once they have their content in place, they choose a song from Animoto’s song library and everything is mashed together into a cool, engaging video presentation.  


To get started you might want to visit the How do I get Started page for a step by step proces

We Video

WeVideo is an online platform for collaborative video production in the cloud. We connect your web editing and your mobile device camera - and we enable you to tell your stories together with your friends. Any browser works - don’t worry about installation, software downloads and updates - all your files and edits are safely stored and accessible online.


To get started, watch the tuturials listed on the following page:  WeVideo Tutorials


Subject Guide