
Some links and videos that a Multicultural teacher could use in General.


"Tell the children the truth." - Bob Marley

General Media Resources for Multicultural Courses:

Everything You Own In A Photo: A Look At Our Worldly Possessions: 

A great, mind-opening series of photos for broadening the student's view of material possessions.

Culture Crossing Guide:

The Culture Crossing Guide is an evolving database of cross-cultural information about every country in the world.  This user-built guide allows people from all walks of life to share essential tips with each other about how to navigate our increasingly borderless world with savvy and sensitivity. Equally useful to the traveler, businessman, student and teacher.

Video Links

Videos are a great and effective way of keeping the student's interest. Especially videos of children from other countries would be useful. Here are a few links to great video websites and resources. 


Multicultural Games

Multicultural Crafts

Video General

Multicultural Music and Songs

Multicultural Food


Easy References