Refuting the Opposing Claim

Time to Refute

Nicely done!  You have completed your research, decided your claim, and found reasons and evidence to support your opinion.  However, there are people out there that do not possess the same beliefs.  They will make it a point to tell you that your belief is incorrect.  OH NO! How do you handle this situation?  Prepare your counterclaim.  Using the resources on this page you will find the best approach to explaining why your claim is the right one.

Arguing Effectively

Counterclaim Template

Evaluate This!

Which of these statements is an effective refutation to this argument: Vegetarians cannot possibly have a well-balanced and nutritious diet.
Eating meatless foods are full of vitamins for the body.: 46 votes (3.76%)
However, studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can and does deliver complete nutrition and provides health benefits.: 951 votes (77.7%)
According to Women's Health Magazine, "Vegetarian diets can be very healthy and may even lower the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer.": 201 votes (16.42%)
People who eat vegetarian meals are more likely to live longer.: 26 votes (2.12%)
Total Votes: 1224

Defining Counterclaim

Understanding Refutation

Watch the video clip to gain an understanding of refutation.

Example - How to Structure a Counterclaim