Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation: Does the Program Measure Up?

This tool emphasizes attributes that support student learning and the mission of the school.  It can be used by librarians, principals and the education community to review the school’s library program.  One way to do this would be to gather evidence over a period of time as suggested below each item, and then review it as a team to determine strengths and areas for growth.  It might also be used by the librarian as a tool to reflect on the program and plan for the future.  Conducting a program evaluation every three to five years will help the program continue to move forward. 

Does Your Child's Library Measure Up?

Program Evaluation: Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Environment for Teaching and Learning

The school supports an environment for teaching and learning where:

·      Collegiality is encouraged.

·      Time is available for collaborative planning.  

·      Scheduling and staffing facilitate flexible use of the library.

·      The school is pursuing a 21st century curriculum.

·      Content curricula clearly expect multiple literacies, including digital / technology literacy, information literacy, visual literacy, and textual literacy

·      Librarian is member of grade level or team planning groups, curriculum writing committees, and technology workgroups.

·      Access to a rich collection of local and distant resources is a priority.

Evidence (library schedule, school goals, committee membership, curriculum guides / unit plans):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Collaboration with Teachers

This moves beyond cooperation, where librarian gathers resources for a teacher’s unit ,or coordination, where they are simply using the topic taught in the classroom as an example in an isolated library lesson.

Librarian collaborates with teachers and other members of the community to design and implement engaging, inquiry-based learning experiences requiring students to

  • communicate, collaborate, think creatively and develop knowledge
  • use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions
  • use a broad range of appropriate tools, resources, and information technologies

Works with majority of teachers at least once a year, and with some teachers more frequently, to build inquiry-based learning experiences. 

Works with teachers to support diverse learners in meeting individual learning goals.

Evidence (number and distribution of teachers collaborating, specific activities, unit plans, teacher feedback):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

21st Century Skills Curriculum

The librarian collaborates with the entire school community to build an overall school curriculum that supports, both in the curriculum and in individuals:

·      Development of curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge,

·      Creativity and innovation,

·      Inquiry-based project work,

·      Learning of new technologies, and

·      Skills in personal information management, self-direction, and self-evaluation.

Evidence (curriculum guides, school goals, sample units, curriculum map, student benchmarks)

At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe


Librarian collaborates with educators to assess the ability of students to 

  • communicate, collaborate, think creatively
  • use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources
  • use a broad range of appropriate tools, resources, and information technologies


Works with majority of teachers at least once a year, and with some teachers more frequently, to build authentic assessment and evaluation of information literacy skills into units to enable an overview of student skills. 

Evidence (evaluation activities with teachers, sample instruments)

At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Multiple Literacies

The librarian guides students and assists teachers to use a broad range of appropriate tools, resources, and information technologies to interpret, evaluate, and use information to create and use ideas in a variety of forms including text, images, graphs, audio, and video.

The librarian collaborates with teachers to ensure that skills associated with multiple literacies, including information literacy, digital / technology literacy, visual literacy, and textual literacy are embedded within the content curriculum.

Evidence (unit plans, curriculum map, teacher feedback):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe


The librarian engages in curricular leadership through participation in school committees and delivery of staff development programs.

Evidence (committee memberships, teacher feedback, staff development activity schedule):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

 Staff Development

The librarian helps plan and implement staff development, especially efforts toward improving reading, inquiry-based approaches, student  research, and the integration of technology.

Evidence (staff development schedule, staff development plans):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe


The librarian teaches students individually and in groups using resources that meet diverse learning needs and incorporate changes in technology and education.  The librarian works individually with students in pursuit of their independent goals and purposes.

Evidence (observation of library use, library schedule, teacher feedback, unit plans):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Intellectual Freedom and Legal, Ethical and Social Responsibilities

The librarian models and teaches the concept of intellectual freedom, and development of legal, ethical, and social responsibility in accessing and using information and creating and sharing knowledge.

Evidence (benchmarks, curriculum mapping, unit plans)


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Reading Motivation and Guidance

The librarian works with the entire school community to develop and implement activities that motivate students to read, write, view, speak and listen for the intrinsic satisfaction of learning, enrichment, and personal pleasure and achievement. 

Evidence (library schedule, extra-curricular events, observation, student feedback, circulation records):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Reading Strategies

The librarian integrates and models reading strategies in interactions with students individually and in groups.

Evidence (observations, unit plans):


Program Evaluation: Information Access and Delivery

Information Access and Delivery

At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Learning Climate

The librarian creates an environment that encourages active, participatory, and collaborative learning, both within and beyond the schoolStaff, parents and students, especially students, freely visit  the library and engage the librarian for information and recreational needs and are actively and collaboratively involved in creating this positive and stimulating climate.

Evidence (observations, teacher feedback, student feedback, library schedule):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe


The facility contributes to the learning goals of the school:

·      Accommodates multiple classes and small groups simultaneously, 

·      Includes spaces for production, presentation and display,

·      Has flexibility in design, and 

·      Provides 24/7 access to current information and technology resources within and beyond the library walls.

Evidence (observation of facilities and use, website analysis, student feedback, teacher feedback):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Physical And Digital Access

The librarian works with the educational community to ensure equitable access to both physical and digital resources. 

Flexible access is provided during and beyond the school day to both the physical and virtual library. 

Students can access the library resources easily from the school’s homepage.

Evidence (library schedule, website analysis, student feedback, teacher feedback):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Collection Development, Management and Access

The librarian develops, organizes, maintains, and circulates a current, well-balanced, high-quality collection and provides access to materials and expertise in physical and digital forms both within and outside the school to:

·      develop and strengthen students’ love of reading,

·      support the curricular and personal needs and interests of students,

·      engage students’ curiosity and inquiry, and

·      support diverse points of view and our pluralistic society.


The library incorporates artifacts of knowledge developed by students.

Evidence (collection mapping, circulation statistics, student feedback, teacher feedback):


Program Evaluation: Administration

Program Administration

At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Administrative Support

The librarian and school and district administrators meet regularly to discuss and strategize about the library program. 

The library is staffed with sufficient professional and support staff, so that librarian focuses on meeting students’ 21st century learning needs.

District technology administrators assure that the library is immediately accessible from the school’s homepage.


Adequate funding for program resources and services is provided.

Evidence (librarian schedule, staffing, website analysis):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Part of a Larger Community

The librarian engages with the larger educational community (students, teachers, parents, community members, public libraries, organizations, etc.) to build a program that supports the mission, goals, and objectives of the school.

Evidence (community feedback, correlation of library and school goals):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Program Planning

The librarian works with the education community to assess the needs of the community and establish annual and long-range goals for the library program that are part of the school and district-wide strategic planning process and reflect the school’s mission and goals.

Evidence (notes of planning meetings, long-range plan):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Program Evaluation

The librarian works with all community members, including the principal, teachers, parents and students to evaluate success in achieving goals.

Evidence (long-range plan, evaluation instruments, data and analysis):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe


The librarian analyzes library staffing needs, trains staff and volunteers, and works with library staff members to support the program.

Evidence (library schedule, teacher feedback, student feedback, staff feedback, analysis of job descriptions):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Funding and Budgeting

The librarian develops and manages the library budget:

  • Implements the requirements of the Wisconsin Common School Fund and the state accounting system; and
  • Works with administrators, funding agencies and the community to supplement the funding provided by Wisconsin’s Common School Fund.

Evidence (budget, expenditures):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Policies and Procedures

Working with appropriate members of the community, the librarian develops policies for board approval – consistent with local, state, and national guidelines and laws – to ensure equitable access to information and a diverse collection (in materials, formats, and content).  The school implements procedures to support these policies.

Evidence (policies, procedure manuals):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe


The librarian demonstrates that a strong school library program is essential to meeting local, state and national education goals and builds a community whose members advocate for the library program.

Evidence (advocacy plan):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Promotion of the Library Program

All members of the community, administrators,  teachers, parents and students, work with the librarian to promote library programs, services and resources through a wide range of communication formats (e.g., newsletters, website).

Evidence (marketing efforts):


At expected level

Needs work

Did not observe

Personal Professional Development

The librarian continues to develop his/her own professional practice through participation in professional organizations, attending professional development activities, and building a professional learning network.

Evidence (professional development log, memberships, conferences attended, PLN):