
Mission 1

Gather evidence.  Using Diigo, take notes and highlight your group's findings.  You have 5 days to accomplish the mission before proceeding to Checkpoint 1.

Mission 2

Create a concept map showing pros and cons of your role.  You have 1 day to accomplish the mission in order to prepare for Checkpoint 2.

Mission 3

Take a stance. Based on evidence gathered, determine your group's position.  You have 2 days to accomplish the mission before proceeding to checkpoint 3.

Mission 4

Create a multi-media presentation supporting your postion. You have 5 days to accomplish the mission before proceeding to checkpoint 4.

Mission 5

Decision time.  Now that you have heard all of the viewpoints, what do you think should be done with the vacant land?  Using evidence gathered from the presentations, summarize your personal position in a one or two paragraph paper.  Discuss whether it's different from your group's position or not?  You'll have one day to accomplish the mission before proceeding to checkpoint 5.

Asperger's Guide