Ethnic Project


Click on the above picture to read the article National Holidays Around the World by Scholastic.

Automatic Bibliography and Citation Maker

MLA Format

Evaluating Sources

Resources for Ethinc Project

The Ellsworth Middle School Media Center can offer many different books to begin your research.  Many of the reference books are located in the reference section or the nonfiction section in the IMC. You can also use the electronic card catalog to search for other informational books on your ethnic background. I have a list of books that are housed at EMS located under the Resources on Countries Tab.

If you cannot find what you are looking for at EMS, try using the Ellsworth Public Library for other references. Once you are at their website, you can click on the more system. The MORE System is a consortium of libraries in north western Wisconsin. Using this system allows you to locate and request books from other libraries in our area. If you have a MORE library card, you can request titles and they will be shipped directly to the Ellsworth Public Library.

Database Search

National Geographic

Diwall: Festival of Lights

Please visit the National Geographic website to view more videos on other cultures around the world.




Writing Tips

Click on the above picture to learn more about the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL).