
What is It?

Sexting is a term coined by the media that generally refers to sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually suggestive nude or nearly nude photos or sexually suggestive messages through text message or email.  -- Crisis Intervention Center

Statistics and Information

Sexting is more common than many might think, according to a nationwide survey conducted by the National Campaign to Support Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. According to the survey, about 20 percent of teens admitted to participating in sexting.

What do Do?

If a sexting photo arrives on your phone, first, do not send it to anyone else (that could be considered distribution of child pornography). Second: Talk to a parent or trusted adult. Tell them the full story so they know how to support you. And don't freak out if that adult decides to talk with the parents of others involved - that could be the best way to keep all of you from getting into serious trouble.

* If the picture is from a friend or someone you know, then someone needs to talk to that friend so he or she knows sexting is against the law. You're actually doing the friend a big favor because of the serious trouble that can happen if the police get involved.

* If the photos keep coming, you and a parent might have to speak with your friend's parents, school authorities or the police.

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Dangers of Teen Sexting

Sexting Leads to Suicide



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