Where to Start


Use Google's WonderWheel to help find keywords to search in your topic.


Search Engines

Some places to search on-line:


Encyclopedias are a great place to start your search.  There you will find important facts on the subject that will help you begin your search.  Don't forget there are encyclopedias in the library for your use. 

Citing Sources

Research Steps

1. Identify and Develop your Topic

    a.  State your topic as a question.

    b.  Identify key words in your topic

    c.  Identify synonyms or other keywords that could be used for your topic.

2.  Find Information

    a.  Use keywords to find information for your topic.

    b.  Remember to use multiple types of resources including print and  on-line.

    c.  Record what you found and where you found it.

3.  Evaluate your Information

    a.  Make sure your information comes from a valid and reliable resource.

4.  Cite your information

    a.  You must give credit to the people who wrote the information.

What is It?

What is a Public Service Announcement (PSA)?

According to Wikipedia:

A public service announcement (PSA) or public service ad is a type of advertisement featured on television, radio, print or other media. Whereas the objective of a standard advertisement is to market a product, a PSA is intended to benefit the public interest, by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes, and potentially stimulating action.


The purpose of your assignment is to create a PSA to raise awareness on one of the issues discussed during the All-Stars Unit.