
Images of The Planets!

This section will be images of each of the planets with a short list of fun facts. 

Sun Gif


  1. Earth has one moon.
  2. Earth is the only planet with liquid water.
  3. The Earth is 93 million miles from the sun.
  4. Earth is the only planet that sustains life.
  5. As the Earth orbits the sun it is tilted on it's axis creating the seasons.  While one half of the Earth has winter, the opposite has summer!


  1. Saturn has 18 moons.
  2. Saturn is the second largest planet within the solar system. 
  3. Saturn takes 29 1/2 years to make a full orbit of the sun.
  4. A day on Saturn only takes about 10 hours.
  5. Saturn has rings around it that orbit at different speeds and have spaces between them.  


  1. Mercury's orbit around the sun takes 88 days.
  2. The sunny side of Mercury has a temperature of up to 750 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  3. Mercury has no moons.
  4. Mercury is one of five planets you can see without a telescope.
  5. There is no possibility for life on Mercury.


  1. Earth and Mars are a lot alike because of their proximity. 
  2. A year on Mars is the same as one year on earth + 320 days.
  3. A typical day on Mars is 24 hours and 39 minutes.  Almost the exact same as on earth!
  4. The largest mountain and the largest canyon in the solar system are both on Mars.
  5. Mars is covered by craters.  There are 43,000 craters covering the surface and these are only the large ones that have been counted!


  1. Uranus has a total of 27 moons.
  2. The center of Uranus is a frozen ball of ammonia and methane which gives it that blue-green color.
  3. Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the sun.
  4. A day on Uranus is 17.9 hours.
  5. Uranus has rings like Saturn but these are very faint.


  1. Venus orbits the sun in 225 days. 
  2. Venus is named after the Roman Goddess of Love.
  3. Venus has no moons.
  4. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with a temperature of 860 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  5. Venus has continents, mountains and craters.  It looks like Earth but could never support life.


  1. On Jupiter, days last 9.84 hours!
  2. Jupiter is a gas giant composed entirely of layers of gas.
  3. Because Jupiter spins so fast there is always an abundance of storms in the atmosphere.
  4. Jupiter is the stormiest planet and the red spot on the surface is ever-changing storms. 
  5. Jupiter has 64 moons and 4 can be seen by a telescope. 


  1. It takes Neptune 165 years to make one orbit around the sun.
  2. A day on Neptune lasts 19 hours.
  3. Neptune has 13 moons in total. 
  4. The largest moon, Triton, is very unusual.  This moons axis moves in the opposite direction as Neptune's axis.
  5. Neptune was discovered because of the way that Uranus's orbit was shaped.  The scientists realized that there must be another planet behind Uranus that was affecting its orbit and that was how Neptune was discovered.