
All Kinds, Sizes and Shapes of Instruments

There are so many different kinds of instruments!  The larger ones can make lower sounds, the smaller higher! You can choose any one you would like to play....

The families of instruments are woodwinds, brass and percussion.  There are also stringed instruments in orchestras, with guitars in Jazz Band.




The guitar comes in two types.  The types are acoustic, stringed with a hallow body, and electric.  Electric guitars have a solid body and are plugged in for a loud amplified sound.


A flute is a woodwind instrument.  It makes it's sound by blowing over a "tonehole" towards the end of it's medal body.  There may be only one flute in a musical group, or many.


Trumpets are brass instruments.  They make their sound by "buzzing" into a mouthpiece on the end of the horn.  Different combinations of valves, or fingerings, make different notes or sounds.


In the Percussion Section, there are many types of instruments to play!  There are drums, bells, cymbals, triangles, gongs and much more!