Providing Reasons and Evidence

Reasons and Evidence Required

No argument is complete without solid reasoning and evidence to back up the claim.   By using the resources on this page you will learn how to use proper reasons and evidence to create a strong argument.  

Rate This Information

Check which reasons below are examples of good reasoning.
The beach is a good place to take children because it is nice.: 4 votes (3.51%)
Taking children to the beach is a good idea because they are exposed to direct sun which provides vitamin D.: 71 votes (62.28%)
Taking children to the beach is good because they can explore the different ecosystems in the ocean.: 34 votes (29.82%)
Taking children to the beach is good because it is beautiful.: 5 votes (4.39%)
Total Votes: 114

Supporting with Reasons & Evidence

Click on the picture to engage in an interactive lesson on using reasons and evidence.

Effective Support

Use this interactive tool to learn how to evaluate your reasoning and evidence.

Teacher Smart notebook Lesson Guide - Putting Reasons and Evidence into the Body Paragraphs

See the next slide to assist you in writing paragraph three - the counterclaim.

Guidelines for Using Logic and Evidence

Click on the link attached to the picture and proceed to click on the tool entitled: Guidelines for using logic and evidence. This tool provides four key components to remember when using effective argumentative skills.

Test Your Ability to Collect Relevant Evidence

Engage in this online interactive crime scene provided by: National Law Enforcement Museum.  Do you have what it takes to find the relevant evidence to solve the case?  Test your skills.  Use these investigative techniques to assist you in your search for relevant evidence.