Project Roles

Fisherman - Jeff Bodin

Jeff is concerned about the environmental impact that nuclear energy will have on the fishing industry.


The forester is concerned with pollution (the ground and air impacts) that nuclear energy could present.

UWSSLEC Co. Representive

The UWSSLEC Co. representative is concerned about providing cost effective energy and providing good paying jobs for local citizens.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

The DNR representative is concerned with the all encompassing impacts of humans on the environment, regardless of the type of energy.

Commercial Fishing Community

The commercial fishing community is concerned with the negative effects of nuclear energy and waste on the fish populations. A decrease in the fish population would impact local jobs and the community that depends on this industry.

MeatHead, Inc. Representative

The MeatHead, Inc. representative is working to support the interests of the local fishermen. He/she is focused on the negative environmental and industrial impacts a nuclear power plant would have on the area.

State or Local Legislator

The legislator is concerned with unemployment and the positive impact the power plan would have on the surrounding area.


The engineer brings innovative energy ideas to the community.