If you are looking on very basic information about popular websites and how to use them, this is the page for you to use. As you scroll down, there will be more resources. Depending on what type of computer you are using, the Windows or Macintosh tab will be useful for you. Fun things are also things that can be used on any type of computer with Internet access.
Some things to remember:
Welcome to the fun and exciting Internet! Opening up a whole new world for you; connecting yourself with others all over the world and those just down the street!
From: 50 Shades of Learning
Want to check out a book on a topic related to something on this tab? Look no further!
Although this is more orientated towards Windows users, it still includes helpful information for anyone.
It is important to use sites such as Google and others in order to enhance and make the best possible experience online.
Many people begin to use computers on a more regular basis in order to stay in touch with their loved ones. This is done through social media websites, the most popular being Facebook. Other popular sites include Twitter,