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AASL 2.1.6:  Students will use technology skills to express their understanding of their chosen position

AASL - 2.1.1:  Students will apply critical thinking skills to determine their ultimate position (pro/con) of their assigned role.

AASL 2.3.2:  Students will include environmental, political and social considerations in their critical thinking.

AASL 3.1.5:  Students will connect learning to a community issue.

AASL 3.2.3:  Students will demonstrate teamwork by being active members of their group.

AASL 3.3.1:  Students will create a multi-media presentation which shares the new knowledge they have created.

ELA W.5.2:   Students will write an informative piece summarizing their individual thoughts on their chosen postion.

ELA W.5.7:   Students will use Diigo to collect short-term research notes.

ELA W.5.7:  Students will conduct a short-term research project that combines knowledge from several sources.

ELA RI.5.5:  Students will compare cause/effect, problem/solution issues from multiple texts.

DPI SS Standards: C.8.7 Students will locate, organize, and use relevant information to understand an issue of public concern, take a position, and advocate the  position.

Background Knowledge

Before students begin this project they have had instruction in the following areas;

- Research skills (ie. Big 6)

- Writing a position paper

- Collaborative groups

In addition, students have access to the following technology;

- Macintosh computers with a variety of programs (i.e, Comic life, iMovie, Keynote)

- Diigo accounts established

- Gmail accounts established along with access to Google Drive

Suggested Timeline

Student work day 1: Teacher explains assignment and group roles are determined.

Student work days 2-6: Students gather evidence and collect their findings in Diigo.

Student work day 7: Students prepare a concept map showing pros and cons of assigned role.

Student work days 8-9: Students determine position to take and prepare for debriefing with instructor.

Student work days 10-15: Students will prepare their presentation.

Student work days 16-17: Students will present their presentation.


Instructor will meet with groups as needed between student work days to confirm/evaluate checkpoints. 


Potential Issues

This unit is based on a class size of 24 students, with 4 students in a group, 2 groups under each role.

Reading levels of students could determine resources as well as how groups are determined.

While this project revolves around a vacant lot in a specific town it can be modified to any city/town with vacant lot.

Project could be modified to be researched at higher levels that would go more in-depth.

Asperger's Guide