The Process

Step 1

From your group role/perspective, identify what you know about sources of energy and the conservation of energy.

  1. Name some alternative energy sources.



  2. Identify some renewable energies.
  3. List some problems/difficulties that people suggest regarding using these non fossil fuel sources of energy.
  4. What are some positives about using renewable energy sources?

Step 2

Identify what you need to learn about sources of energy and ways to conserve it.

  1. List the alternative energy sources you missed in Step 1.
  2. Identify the alternative energy sources that are especially well suited to your community.
  3. Select one form of alternative energy to research.

    Identify the advantages of the energy source for your community.

    Make special notes on how your community might be able to use that form of energy.

    What are the challenges for this form of alternative energy?

                Have any solutions been offered?
  4. Go get the facts.


Use to create a concept map of your alternative energy.

Step 3

Consider the alternative energy sources and energy conservation actions.

Create a print or digital project to explain your choices and support their selection.

How will they help the situation?

Highlight the pros and cons of your choices.


Some possible print and digital tools to use to create your project:

    edcanvasslide rocket

Step 4

As a class - Discuss your findings.

It would be helpful to chart your findings. How many support each alternative energy

Decide on an action plan to conserve energy in your homes, school or community.

List the reasons for its selection.

How will it be a challenge in your community to do it?