Statistics and artifacts

Statistics and artifacts

Dairying in Wisconsin

This is a histical and statistical summary of dairying, 1860-1931.

Click the link to view the entire bulletin.

Hoard's Dairyman history

Importance of Wisconsin Dairy farms

Dairy Impact on Wisconsin

Video courtesy of YouTube.

Farms and Production

Photo courtesy of Wisconsin Marketing Board

Click this link to see a spreadsheet of Wisconsin's production rank in 2011.

Photo Courtesy of Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board


Hoard Review: Past and present

In this short reminiscence, Sauk County farmer H.H. Flynt recalls how wheat was grown,

milled, and taken to market in the 1850s. He comments on the prices paid, money earned,

and difficulties encountered when the chinch bug epidemic decimated wheat crops at the end

of the decade. One enterprising neighbor had pulled himself out of debt by dairying, and Flynt

describes how all the region's farms were gradually won over to dairying.

Click here for the full article.

Decline in dairy farming