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Romeo and Juliet : Final Project Details

Mrs. Kaiser's Class - Exploring Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Final Project

Romeo and Juliet



        Now that we’ve finished reading William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, your group project is to write and perform a newscast about the main characters and events of the tragedy. Imagine that the story will air on the nightly news.


Your project must include:

ü A typed script to hand in-

Ø News Broadcast includes the main events and characters of the play

Ø Script is based on a nightly news broadcast (Think: “Tonight on world news we have a shocking story to relay….”)

Ø Performance includes “video clip” scenes, just as a broadcaster would show clips of the events caught on tape . (“Now we’re going to cut to the incredible fight caught on camera…”)


ü An 8-10 minute group performance

**With costumes and props!!

Ø  Dress in clothing that fits your character. Think about adding accessories, different hairstyling, or personal props that you believe your character would use. (If you’re one of the news anchors, think about how they dress on T.V. and what they have at their desks)

Ø  Make or bring in props that fit the scenes you create.


ü A significant speaking part for every person in the group



Wednesday/Thursday: Work Day

Friday: Work Day (Lab 189 to type scripts/finish up)

Monday: Presentations

Tuesday: Finish presentations



**Every group member needs to contribute to this project. At the end, each person will fill out an evaluation form, evaluating the rest of his/her teammates. This will help Ms. Raasch assign a participation grade for each person.**




Final Project

Romeo and Juliet:  Group Newscast Rubric


Mood, energy,  & interpretation

Performance has a humdrum feel. Interpretation of piece is confusing.

Performance is somewhat interesting. Interpretation is bland.

Performance is interesting and is projected in a somewhat lively manner. Interpretation is clear.

Performance is energetic, unique. Meaning of the script comes to life.




Delivery & Clarity

Actors are difficult to understand because of poor volume, rate, and enunciation. No preparation evident.

Actors are difficult to understand at times because of poor volume, rate, or enunciation. Little preparation is evident.

Actors are usually understandable. Some effort to rehearse beforehand was evident.

Actors are clear and easy to understand at all times. It’s obvious that the scene and lines have been rehearsed many times.


Characters are not sincere and actors to not commit their body and voice to the portrayal. They don’t’ listen to each other.

Characters are frequently dropping in and out of sincerity and reacting to each other.

Characters have moments of dropping in and out of sincerity and reacting to each other.

Characters are sincere, and actors reveal characters through their body and voice. Characters listen and react to others.


Costumes are virtually non-existent or inappropriate to character

 Few group members were in costume. Most don’t support characterization.

Costumes don’t fit character properly. Most group members were in costume.

The character comes alive through their costumes. Personalities are reflected through choices. ALL group members were in costume.


There is no sense of where the actor is. The scene could be taking place anywhere. No props used.

Little is used to establish sense of place.  What is present is ineffective.

Some is done to establish place. Most of what is present is effective.

The environment supports the scene and creates place for the audience. Props support the scene.

Typed Script

No script handed in.

The script was incomplete and/or not typed.

Script is typed up, neat and organized. It is clear which character says what.

Script is typed up, neat and organized. It is clear which character says what. Stage directions are added in.



One main event mentioned in script. Script doesn’t fit genre of newscast at all.

Only a few main events of play are included in the script. Script doesn’t fit genre of newscast well.

Some main events of play are included in the script. Script fits the genre of a newscast somewhat.

Main events of play are included in the script. Script fits the genre of a newscast.

In Class Work Time

Group did not work at all in class. Engaged in disruptive behavior.

Time was not used. Teacher had to remind to get back on task.

Time was used wisely. Of task a couple times.

Time was used exceptionally well. Teacher did not have to remind once to get on task.


Total ­­_____/80