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Making it in the Fashion World: Organizing Information

A fashion designer research project created for Mrs. Hoppe's Fashion Design course at Platteville High School.

Note Taking

When conducting research, you will need to take notes.  The method you use to record and organize your information is up to you, but keep in mind there are five basic kinds of notes:
1. Paraphrase: Taking what someone else has said and putting it into your own words.

2. Summary: A brief statement of the main points.

3. Direct Quotation: A report of the exact words used in a discourse.

4. Personal Comment: Sharing your personal feelings on a topic.

5. Combination Note: A note which combines any two of the other kinds of notes.

Mobile App

Check out this note taking application for mobile devices!


Note Taking and Outining Tool

Use EasyBib Notebook, a great online tool, to take notes and organize your information.

*You will need to set up an EasyBib account if you don't already have one.