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Searching the Internet

Anyone can create a website or publish information on the web; therefore, it is important for users of the web to develop a critical eye and be able to evaluate the credibility of Internet information.  Because there is so much information on the Web, good and bad, finding what you want is not an exact science and can be time consuming.

There are several things you can look at to check a websites credability:

  • Who is the author or sponsor?  Is this person an authority?
  • Are there obvious reasons for bias?
  • Is there contact information provided?
  • Is there a copyright symbol on the page?
  • Is the page current?  When was it last updated?
  • What is the purpose of the page?
  • Are you able to varify the information found on the page?


Do you use Google or Wikipedia for just about every online search?

Those are great resources, but not the only places to go to research and learn online.

In fact, there may be more efficient or interesting ways to find useful information.


Check out these other sites:

Subject Guide

Tech Tips

Do you want to find a specific word on the webpage you're looking at?

  • Hold down Ctrl F on your computer and a box will appear in the lower left corner of your window.
  • Type in the word you would like it the find,it will highlight that word throughout the text.