Contemporary Realistic Fiction 6-9

Contemporary Realistic Fiction




The contemporary realistic fiction genre is the kind of fiction that most students can relate to.  The settings occur in present times and readers will often relate to the plot situations that occur.  Authors seek to build a connection to their readers by incorporating elements that allow students to believe that what is occuring could be in their own life or their own town, whether it be sports, school, or the general "growing up" part of life.

Out of my Mind

Out of my Mind

By: Sharon Draper


Reviewer: Christopher Schiemann

 Grade Level: 5-8

 Reading Level: 4.7

 Out of my Mind is a book about a middle-school aged girl named Melody who has cerebal palsy, is unable to talk, can barely move, and is confined to a wheelchair.  Sharon Draper's writing takes you into the mind of Melody, where we see a girl just like everyone else, except different on the outside.  We are shown Melody's intelligence that many others do not recognize, because she's unable to convey her thoughts.  The book shows the people in her life her doubt her, the people who support her, and the people who are skeptical of her.  Any parent who has a child with a disability will empathize with both Melody and her mother as they fight their daily battles for equal access, an appropriate education, and struggles with the frustration of it all.  This is a book in our book room and that many students and teachers read.  I highly suggest it as a great way to look at all students, especially special education students, in a complete perspective.





By: Cal Ripkin Jr., with Kevin Cowherd



Grade Level: 3-6

Reading Level: 5.8

From the Publisher: Connor Sullivan is an All-Star shortstop on his Babe Ruth team, the Orioles. He can hit and field with the best of them, but he's got one big problem: his temper. When he strikes out or makes an error, he's a walking Mt. Vesuvius, slamming batting helmets and throwing gloves. His teammates are starting to avoid him, even his best friend Jordy. His coach is ready to kick him off the team. To make matters worse, things aren't much better at home. His dad is having trouble finding a new job after being laid off. Money is tight. Connor's dream of attending the prestigious Brooks Robinson Baseball Camp this summer seems like just that now - a dream. When the sports editor of the school paper threatens to do a big story on his tantrums - complete with embarassing photos - Connor realizes he has to clean up his act. But can he do it in time to regain his teammates' trust and help the Orioles win the championship against the best team in the league?




By: Patrick Carman



Grade Level: 5-8

Reading Level: 4.8

From the Publisher: Josh knows he's riding recklessly when he knocks down the old man he suspects is the hermit of Loggerman Creek. But he is shocked when the hermit walks into the forest with his bike after the accident. Being without his beloved bike for a week motivates Josh to hike into the woods and confront the crazy old man. The hermit, Jonathan, has fixed Josh's bike, and Josh learns that he has more in common with the old man than he ever imagined. When Jonathan needs help, Josh has to respect the old man's choices in order to save his life.


Ghetto Cowboy


Ghetto Cowboy

By: G. Neri

Illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson


Grade Level: 5-8

Reading Level: 4.8

Notes (Titlewave): Twelve-year-old Cole's behavior causes his mother to drive him from Detroit to Philadelphia to live with a father he has never known, but who soon has Cole involved with a group of African-American "cowboys" who rescue horses and use them to steer youths away from drugs and gangs.