Disciplinary Literacy

Disciplinary Literacy Across the Content Areas

Follow the links below for examples of critical thinking, reading, writing, and speaking activities in each discipline. These sites were created by the Wisconsin DPI, and some are still being constructed.


Art and Design

Business and Information Technology


Family & Consumer Sciences


Health Education

Health Science Occupations

Marketing, Management, and Entrepreneurship



Physical Education


Social Studies

Technology and Engineering

What is Disciplinary Literacy?

Click on the image above to visit the website.

Disciplinary literacy is the belief that each subject area has its own unique way of reading, writing, and thinking. In order to teach students content-specific literacy skills, they must be comfortable using the vocabulary, text types, and thinking skills unique to each discipline. In other words, students in a science class must learn to think and communicate like a scientist, while students in a math class must learn to think and communicate like a mathematician. The integration of discipline specific literacy skills not only helps students to learn content knowledge, but it also strengthens literacy skills in all other content areas at the same time (Amundson, n.d.).

Common Core State Standards - Disciplinary Literacy

Click the link above to access the Common Core State Standards for disciplinary literacy. This document includes rationale, definitions, and the standards themselves.