
Men's Clothing


A close-fitting outer garment, with our without sleeves.  Similar to a vest.  Men often had padded shoulders to help make their waists look narrow.  They would also wear mean layers to show off different colors and materials.


Men wore tights, or hose, to show off their legs.


At the start of the Renaissance, shoes were often made for indoor use.  Leather clogs were worn outside.  Later, the duck bill style came into fashion.  Sometimes these shoes were made thigh high.  Shoe makers would slash shoes to insure a better fit.

Women's Clothing


The bodice has two sections.  The stomacher, or triangular section, is made stiff by using bone or wood.  The neckline on the second section, the bodice proper, has varied necklines depending on what is worn underneath.


A rigid petticoat in the shape of a bell.  Could be made of wire, bone, rope or branches.


The kirtle is worn under a simple dress made of linen.  It consists of a bodice and a long, full skirt.