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Are You Buggy?: Teacher Stuff

So what is this all about?

This will give you a quick idea of what this whole guide is about. If you conducted the activities on all the tabs, these are the things that you would do. 

Just click on the arrow to take a tour of our workshop.  

Or you can watch it as a show by clicking the more button and then clicking auto play.

A brief description of this "workshop"

As students in the Advanced Design class at UW Whitewater we were exposed to an interesting school in New Zealand that was conducting interactive workshops and displays in their library media center in an effort to have kids "experience things outside their personal square."  For more information about the Allen Centre, a central part of the Outram School go to this link...The Allen Centre.

This is our attempt at creating an interactive series of workshops that could  be conducted in the library media center.  Each tab is meant to be its own workshop and conducted on a different day. All of them could be done during library time, before school, after school or as a summer school class.  You decide what is best for you and your library.  If you have people in the community who are "experts" about bugs, be sure to include them, we plan to.  

We look forward to trying these ideas in our library this year and updating this libguide as we learn more about conducting workshops for our students.  It will be great when we can put in the real work of our students, instead of staged pictures or pictures "borrowed" from the internet. I hope you will try it too.  If you do, let us know how it goes, what worked, what didn't, and any changes you would suggest... or 

If you liked this idea, try others that were created by our classmates at

Good luck!

Nancy and Maxine


Have fun with bugs

A custom search of all the sites used in this guide

Awesome sites you might find helpful

Check Amazon for resources about bugs