Tips for Adding Play to the Day

Tips for Parents

  • Devote equal time for play after computer time - maintain a balance between self-initiated play and more sedentary activites
  • Schedule at least 30 minutes of outdoor play twice per day or more to exercise the large muscle groups
  • Encourage imaginative, pretend play whether indoors or outdoors - build a fort, play house, put on a puppet show, 
  • Take a trip to the school playground or community park - organize the visit with another parent
  • Take your family on an outdoor adventure - a hike, a trip to the zoo, 
  • Organize play groups with friends, neighbors, or family members - take turns supervising or supervise and visit with other parents while the children play
  • Visit restaurants that have play areas - teach your child how to initiate play with other children
  • Be a playful adulth with your children - be playful at work or incorporate playfulness into your chores at home. Find time to stop working and just play with your children - indoors or outdoors

Tips for Teachers

  • Add physical education time to the day. Don't delay phy. ed. in the daily schedule - no later than mid-morning.
  • Divide the day so that children spend one third of their day in physical activity, one third in art activities, and one third of the day in music related activity - it will improve their attitudes toward learning and test scores
  • Structure in the school day the type of play that includes make believe because it will stimulate social and intellectual growth (Sara Smilansky)
  • Make sure students have regularly scheduled recesses - delayed recess increases inattentiveness (Anthony Pellegrini)
  • Ensure that during playtime, children engage in unstructured, independent, self-motivated, imaginative activities - this promotes their social and intellectual growth
  • Assist children in making up their own games and developing their own rules
  • Repetition in play is how very young children learn - they practice over and over new tasks and abilities

Add Some Play to the Day!

Play More!

And then Play Some More!