Everything is Connected

Parts of the Environment

An environment has two parts.

  • Biotic ~ This part of the environment is all of the organisms that live together and interact with one another
  • Abiotic ~ this part of the environment includes all of the physical factors such as water, soil, light, and temperature that affect organisms living in a particular area.

Organization of Environment

Food Chain

5 Levels of Environmental Organizaton

Producers and Consumers

Producers ~ Organisms that use sunlight directly to make food.  They do this by using a process called photosynthesis.  Most producers are plants.

Consumers ~ Organisms that eat producers or other organisms for energy are called consumers.  They must eat producers or other animals to obtain energy.

   Herbivore ~ Consumer that eats plants.

   Carnivore ~ Consumer that eats animals.

   Omnivores ~ Eat both plants and animals.

   Scavengers ~ Animals that feed on the bodies of dead animals.

Decomposers ~ Organisms that get energy by breaking down the remains of dead organisms.

Producers and Consumers

Food Chain Games