Can we create a trail in our community?

Many hands make light work...

It takes many people to take care of a trail, and the primary caretakers are often those who use the trail.

This page will help you find some resources for trail maintenance and management, and you will also find some examples of well-managed trails in the United States and elsewhere around the world.

How close is the nearest trail in your community?

How close is the nearest trail in your community?
1-5 miles: 0 votes (0%)
6-10 miles: 0 votes (0%)
11-15 miles: 0 votes (0%)
over 20 miles: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 0

A Blog to Follow!

Appalacian Mountail Club Trails Blog

Great inspiration for a trailbuilding community.

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Great Trailbuilding Resources

Creating a Multi-Use Trail

Quick and Easy Trail Care

Trail Care

Trail Maintenance