Water, Sanitation, and Disease

Water in Bangladesh

Bangladesh's low lying lands are subject to severe monsoon flooding which every year displaces huge numbers of people and destroys livelihoods.  Because of this, diseases are common throughout the country due to contaminated drinking water sources and low sanitation levels.

In Bangladesh water-related diseases are responsible for 24% of all deaths. Every year, gastroenteritis and diarrhoeal diseases kill 110,000 children below the age of five.



Over one billion people worldwide have no access to clean water.
Over two billion people are without access to sanitation.
More than 104 million children have no access to education.
Millions more miss school frequently.
A World Bank study revealed a 15% increase in Bangladeshi school attendance when water hauling time was reduced.

Poverty and Greed in Bangladesh

Background of Bangladesh and water

Toxic Water

Flooding in Bangladesh

Sanitation in the Slums



Contaminated water in Bangladesh has led to serious health issues.