Problem/Project Based Learning

Mind Maps

Mind maps are a great way to begin your project, they are also great to use when you need to redirect your research if you come across a surprise bit of information, or when planning out your final product.

Check out these online mind mapping tools! is a free mindmapping tool with sharing capabilities.


Free trial memberships are available for Webspiration Classroom.

The Brain

The Brain offers free mindmapping software.

Need help writing better questions?

It is important to write different levels of questions.  Some give us basic background knowledge, some cause us to creatively think, "What if....?"

Global Learning

Global School Net

Find global projects to participate in or partners to help with your project.


A compilation of global learning projects in many different curricular areas.


Links provided offer data for student projects and project ideas.

Create and Innovate

It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.

Albert Einstein

Make a Plan!

How do you make a plan to solve a problem, narrow a question, or find key words for searching? 

Choosing and Narrowing a Research Topic