Raptors/Birds of Prey

Eagles, Hawks, falcons, vultures, owl, etc...

Books: Plum City High School Library


The OPAC icon is used by permission of Follett Library Resources.  Copyright© 2010 Follett Library Resources, Inc.  The Plum City PC and pitchfork logo is used courtesy of Plum City School District.

High School Library Books


598 Pet         Peterson, Roger Tory, 1908-.  The birds,.  New York, :

                    Time inc., [1963].

598.07           Robbins, Chandler S.  Birds of North America : a guide

                     to field identification.  Expanded, rev. ed.  New York :

                     Racine, Wis. : Golden Press ; Golden Books Pub., c1983.

598 Har          Harrison, Colin James Oliver.  Birds of the world.  1st

                      American ed. New York : Boston : Dorling Kindersley ;

                      Distributed by Houghton Mifflin, 1993.

598.297          Book of North American birds.  Pleasantville, N.Y. :

                      Reader's Digest Association, c1990.

598 Van         Vanner, Michael.  The encyclopedia of North American

                     birds. Bath, England : Parragon Pub., 2002.

598 Bur          Endangered birds!  Milwaukee : Gareth Stevens Pub.,


598.2 Pet       Peterson, Roger Tory, 1908-.  A field guide to the birds,

                     giving field marks of all species found east of the

                     Rockies;.  2d rev. and enl. ed.  Boston, : Houghton

                     Mifflin Co., 1947.

598 Nat         Field guide to the birds of North America.  1st ed. 

                     Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society,


598.9 Pec       Peck, George K.  Hawks & eagles.  1st ed.  Mankato,

                     Minn. : Smart  Apple Media, c1998.

598.2 Wel        Welty, Joel Carl, 1901-.  The life of birds.  Philadelphia, :

                      W. B. Saunders Co., 1962.

598 Nat          National Audubon Society book of wild birds.  New York :

                      Wings  Books, 1996.

598.2 Ime        Imes, Rick.  North American bird identifier.  New York,

                       N.Y. :Mallard Press, 1991.

598.2  Nat       The Wonder of birds.  1st ed.  Washington, D.C. :

                      National Geographic Society, c1983.



Raptor Resources For the Upper Mississippi River Valley

Bald Eagle along the Mississippi River at Alma, WICopyright (C) 2010 Wings Over Alma All rights reserved. www.wingsoveralma.com

Bird Search: Google Custom Search


Global Raptor Information Network

Hawk Conservancy, Andover call in male Bald Eagle during display.

© Copyright Simon Barnes and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Additional Raptor Resources

Explore Birds of Prey

Red-tailed Hawk

Used by permission of the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology.