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Britain Expects

This famous signal sent by Nelson from the HMS Victory before the Battle of Trafalgar connects to current cultural meanings.

Nautical Jargon


Nautical etymologies for all kinds of words and phrases


Web Resources for The Battle of Trafalgar

Panorama: http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/redir.pl?url=http://www.royalnavalmuseum.org/WylliePanorama.htm&handle=20060909-162010

Naval War College: http://www.intute.ac.uk/cgi-bin/redir.pl?url=http://www.nwc.navy.mil/&handle=PORT981969123


Trafalgar Anecestors

"This database celebrates the 18,000 plus individuals who fought in the Battle of the Trafalgar on the side of the Royal Navy."

You Tube

TED Talks

Dan Meyer

Problem Based Learning

The importance of a paradigm shift toward Einstein's assertion that learning comes from a problem as opposed to a solution

Teaching Resources and Ideas

Comprehensive resource containing innovative teaching/learning strategies for understanding the Battle of Trafalgar

HMS Victory Web Site

Includes interactive tour and teaching resources

Interdisciplinary Problem

Problem: How and why are ship names chosen?  Then, what are the meanings of the names of the British ships involved in the Battle of Trafalgar? Find potential significance. 

WIKIPEDIA: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology

Mythological Dictionary